World Foundation for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Inc.

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USA Girl Scouts Overseas (USAGSO)

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USA Girl Scouts Overseas (USAGSO) brings Girl Scouts to the daughters of military, foreign service, and American expat families around the world and to girls in American or International schools.  An operating unit of Girl Scouts of the USA, USAGSO ensures that no matter where American families move, they will have access to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
Originally known as Lone Troops on Foreign Soil, Girl Scouts’ overseas program began in 1925 with a single troop of 18 girls in Shanghai, China. Today, USAGSO supports over 12,500 members in 90+ countries around the world. USAGSO members are supported by a staff team in three locations: at Girl Scout headquarters in New York City; Vicenza, Italy; and Camp Zama in Japan.

Why Girl Scouts Overseas?

Not only do USAGSO members participate in the same great Girl Scout Leadership Experience as their stateside sister scouts, but they also experience much more. Many USAGSO families relocate every 2-4 years; USA Girl Scouts Overseas provides a sense of security and stability as families transition to new locations. Through USA Girl Scouts Overseas, girls find an immediate support network and friendship group with whom they have something in common: The Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Far from the United States, Girl Scouts connects girls to their American culture and, through our worldwide network, helps girls bridge cultural gaps and build friendships around the world. Our strong partnerships with the local Girl Guide/Scout programs provide opportunities for USAGSO members, and their families, to actively participate in bi-lateral host nation programs that are exciting, unique, and profound. 

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Disclaimer: the map is updated regularly but may not currently reflect brand new communities or other very recent community updates.
On Black Friday, as you take advantage of the tremendous savings being offered, consider what that money could do for Girl Scouts from Frankfurt to Fiji.

$85 off that Netflix subscription could provide registration, service fees, and uniform basics for one girl for a whole year

$120 off your gym membership would give four STEMinist series program passes to girls looking to learn from superheroes working in STEM fields!

And $500 savings on that new refrigerator could sponsor an entire community camp for girls in South Korea!

Any gift you make this Giving Tuesday (November 29) will be TRIPLED, thanks to the Council of Advisors Match – imagine the things you make possible when you triple the impact!
#GivingTuesday #GiveforGirls

Real Life Stories

Gladys - Guana

Gladys (Ghana) January to March 2020

My experiences meeting international friends has built my confidence level by taking each task step by step, voicing out and having the can do attitude in whatever I do. I have learnt the value of recognizing and celebrating each team member’s strength. I was glad to know I have helped in making a difference in the lives of others.

Recipient of a travel grant from the World Foundation

South Korea

Osan (Air Base)

We are very excited about this year's overnight camping event. All troop levels will aim to earn their respective Outdoor Journeys, except for the Cadette troop, which will earn their Breathe journey. The Daisy and Brownie troops will be camping out one night, and the Junior and above troops will be camping out for two nights. In addition, we will be doing an investiture ceremony for our new members and a rededication ceremony for our returning members. The Daisy and Brownie troops itinerary starts with tent set-up, welcome, investiture and rededication, safety rules, and watching a Leave no Trace skit performed by the older troop levels. We will have a First Aid station, Bird Feeder Station, brown bag lunch, Beaded Bandana craft, trail mix station, hike, and a scavenger hunt. The evening will consist of a dinner, trash patrol, S'mores, closing circle, and a glow stick party. The Junior and above troops itinerary are as follows: (Day one) Tent set up, dinner with "Breathe" discussion, clean-up, Leave No Trace Review and Skit practice, and S'mores. (Day 2) Breakfast, welcome with younger girls, investiture and rededication, safety, Leave no Trace skit, Knot trying station, yoga station, start dinner for all, fire starter activity, clean air quality survey, pie-iron lunch, animal habitat discussion/activity, bath bombs activity, trail mix station, wizard snacks, hike, potted plant activity, dinner, dishwashing, S'mores, closing circle and glow stick party. We are excited for the girls to get to know each other, as this is our first big council event. We believe we have planned an exciting and activity-packed outing that the girls will love. The older girls will also get a chance to teach the younger/new girls all about our Girl Scouts community here at Osan Air Base.
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Daegu (Air Base)

Our hope is to get one of the newer badges in the process. Numbers in nature perhaps. The biggest hurdle we face is not having camping gear! We can either purchase tents/gear or rent them from a local military organization. First using what families part of the troop have to bring. Water source is a big one, so going to let the girls prepare those steps instead of adults thinking through all the details. We also want to do some survival 101, with a girls brother who is a teenager in the Scouts program. He has so much knowledge in that area. Many girls want to learn basics like pitch a tent, start and keep a fire, navigate safe plants and harmful ones as well as animal spy. We will be camping on post, unless the restrictions lift by Spring of 2022, if they do we will attempt going off post. Korea isn't known for camping, it is a very new thing and campsites are pricey. But hope we can pull that way off and invite the local troop in Daegu that can't get access on post! We have no date in mind, it depends on what the raining season looks like closer to May/June. If rain comes early we will go with June, if rain holds off we will camp in May.


Wiesbaden (Army Base)

USAGSO-WI will host Pre-Summer Bash May 14-15, 2022. Pre-Summer Bash will mark the approach of summer and the end of the Girl Scout and school year by engaging girls in summer-themed outdoor activities. All age levels will be invited to attend the Pre-Summer Bash kick-off on Saturday, May 14. To plan the event and to build interest and investment, we will ask each troop to engage girls in brainstorming and choosing activities that they would like to take part in and/or lead. The following examples of activities derive from prior USAGSO camp events but may change based on Girl Scout input and ideas. Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors will help lead the kick-off assembly, during which girls will participate in icebreaker activities, recite the Girl Scout Promise and Law, sing camp songs, hear about the achievements of their fellow Girl Scouts over the past year, and participate in a Bridging event. In addition, girls will be given an orientation to the campsite and learn what to do and where to go in an emergency. Girls will then have the chance to visit activity stations, led by older girls and troop volunteers. Age-adjusted activities may include practicing First Aid and outdoor skills, navigating and hiking, tie-dyeing, and pitching a tent. All girls will then enjoy water balloon games and relay races. Daisies and Brownies can practice building a fire with snack foods (cereal, pretzels, coconut, etc.), while older girls build a real campfire. Girls can then make S’mores and gather around the fire for closing songs and thoughts. Girls will be invited to stay overnight at Pre-Summer Bash (following prescribed volunteer to girl ratios and family camping for Daisies). Girls will be given ingredients and instructions to cook a simple meal for dinner. They will take part in circle time where they can reflect on their past year of scouting and set goals for the year ahead. The night will end with stargazing, storytelling, songs, and skits. The next day, girls will prepare breakfast, clean up the campsite, engage in a final group circle time, and await parent pick-up. USAGSO-WI will conduct an evaluation of the camp with campers and volunteers within a week of the camp’s conclusion to gather feedback that may help plan the following year’s Pre-Summer Bash.
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The campfires were major highlights, because we haven't been allowed to have campfires around Berlin since our 2018 camp out. This is due to constantly high risk of wildfire when we normally like to go camping. We were lucky that it rained right before we came. The beach outing was also a success that most girls said was their favorite part of camp. This was our first all-level event with our new Daisy troop, and the younger girls were so excited to spend time with the older girls. Our Cadette leaders said their Girl Scouts loved spending time with the Daisies, and the Daisies have been constantly talking about the campout at home and school and calling the older girls their sisters. For the first time, we also had the parents say the Girl Scout Family promise at the beginning of the ceremony. I saw a few Daisy parents get emotional while saying it. It was also very special to form a bridge of Girl Scouts for the girls to run under (see our pictures and video!) I am 100% convinced that this camp grant was a big push for a lot of our families to come on this campout because it helped us offset some of the higher costs of using the camp mess hall. The upshot of that was that we had a lot more time for badgwork and fun, so I think it was really worth it to outsource a lot of our food.

Our yearly campout is our lifeblood, and I am happy to report that despite covid, our numbers remain stable going into next year, and none of our current troops will be dissolving next year. The girls can't wait for the next campout, and I personally learned a lot about planning for this number of people that will help me do an even better job facilitating future campouts.
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The girls mastered a 14KM walk on day 2 (after a very short night sleep!!) and were champions! We are so proud of all of them for looking after each other and being brave hikers! (Cadettes especially, were very responible, motivating and helpful with younger girls, who were tired and still had a lot to walk). The girls were open to sudden (slight) change in the program and respected the rules we have talked about on the first night (had an all troop's meeting and girls got to establisdh rules and expectations, very well done! ) Luckily we had a fun activity after hiking uphill for about an hour (really uphill!) - 3 rounds of toboganning! The girls loved it! It was a sweet reward. Girls showed respect and interest in the guided tour about the legend of the Loreley.



Camp Foster

We tent camped for 2 nights at Okuma Air Force recreation facility next to the beach. The girls pitched tents with their family and slept in the tents with their families at night due to covid restrictions. During the day, the families did their own thing and the girl scouts participated in activities together all day. The girls cooked and cleaned up after all of their own meals. They worked on badge work to complete the new "in nature" series by making a sundial, circular and fractal designs in the sand, learned about maps, topography, and gps, went geocaching and hiking, did campfire skills and sang songs, and had a great time bonding! We are incredibly grateful for this grant enabling us to have an amazing opportunity.
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Sasebo (Naval Base)

The girl scouts were able to work on badges and learn skills in the outdoors. For many of the younger girls it was their first experience camping. Girls were able to learn new skills and exposed to new experiences.

Nairobi - Kenya

Nairobi - Kenya

Five different schools were represented and we had girls from all over the world - the US, Kenya, UK, India, Italy, Denmark, Ghana! Experience campers assisted first-timers and we all shared food and equipment.

Riyadh - Saudi Arabia

Riyad - Saudi Arabia

The greatest success was the gift of sisterhood among the leaders and all of the girls. In spite of the COVID restrictions, we enjoyed being outdoors and away from screens. The new leaders developed greater understanding of the program and more confidence to handle future campouts. Some of the participants had also never hiked in the desert before and exposing them to nature outside the city was a gift. We all came away with lifelong memories and renewed enthusiasm to continue offering the Girl Scout Experience in Riyadh.

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

The girls got to experience actives that they have never done before. For most of the girls this was the first opportunity for them to go camping as a community and they got to meet other girls from other troops.


The Girls, of all ages, loved Archery. We familiarized with soft archery sets and progressed to the actual archery with certified instructors coordinated by the MWR ODR office. The certified instructors were an Italian couple who were very thorough, and ensured all girls and adult volunteers adhered to proper safety protocols. The Daisy Girl Scouts enjoyed the soft archery and sling shot activities. The Girls enjoyed the art with nature and Outdoor Challenge activities.


Addis Ababa - Ethiopia
We spent 2 nights at the Embassy run campground on Langano Lake. The Scouts patrols (5 different patrols) were each responsible for one meal (planning and preparing) and one cleaning up after a meal. The Brownies and Juniors practiced their campfire skills. All Scouts learned about the Leave No Trace principles and actively employed them for future campers at the campground. The Patrols performed skits and all had S'Mores.

Who We Support

Girl Scouts of the USA
Girl Scouts of the USA logo
USA Girl Scouts Overseas
USA Girl Scouts Overseas logo

Nuestra Cabaña
Our Cabaña logo
Our Chalet
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Pax Lodge
Pax Lodge Logo
Sangam Logo
Kusafiri Logo
Friends of WAGGGS USA
Friends of WAGGGS USA logo
Friends of OB-PS USA logo

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Campaign to Support Nuestra Cabaña
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Global Experiences for Girls and Young Women