World Foundation for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Inc.

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Nuestra Cabaña

Click to connect to the Nuestra Cabaña website and read about the important update from the World Board: Nuestra Cabaña is to reopen under WAGGGS management. Read about the process and click on the FAQs link for further details.
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Friends of Nuestra Cabaña

Friends of Nuestra Cabaña raise funds to support the world center, Nuestra Cabaña, located in Cuernavaca, Mexico. As the only world center in the Western Hemisphere, Nuestra Cabaña serves a vital role in providing Girl Guides and Girl Scouts valuable opportunities in community service, exploring the arts and culture of Mexico, and discovering the natural beauty of Mexico.

Our Cabaña - Where Dreams Come True

Donaciones para Nuestra Cabaña|Donations

Nuestra Cabaña offers a unique programme based on the principles and values of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting. We host exciting, fun and interesting activities, filled with adventure and the promise of new experiences, as well as the chance to explore México’s rich culture and traditions. With events designed for every age group, our participants will feel right at home surrounded by new friends from around the world. They will have the opportunity to contribute to essential service projects in the local community under the guidance of our experienced staff.

Throughout the year, we offer many international events with various themes, such as adventure, ecology, cultural celebrations and gourmet discovery. These events vary in length and content and are open to every member of WAGGGS. We also provide custom events to groups and provide a bed and breakfast service to all our visitors.
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Click to see the Friends roster
Friends of Nuestra Cabaña

Patty Cook, President
Rebecca Daniels, Vice President
Meg Alexander
Sandy Alexander
Monica Barnes
Linda Bartley
Mary Birenbaum, Emerita
Erin Bitting
Nancy Briggs
Paulette “Polly” Caudle, Emerita
Kay Cheaney, Honorary
Christie Crahan
Mary Jane Craig, Emerita
Phylis Crook, Emerita
Rae Ann Dougherty, Emerita
Sue Goldsmith
Susan Gover-Lee, Associate
Pat Haight
Jennifer Hoch
Kit Hower, Emerita
Edith Hubbard
Susan Huck
Katrina Jameson
Kris Howard Jensen, Emerita
Charlotte “Woody” Carr Johnson
Gayle Keresey
Gloria Kern, Emerita
Ann Killeen
Donna Krepin, Associate
Louise “Lou” Lindsey
Cathy Lockyer Moulton
Donita Lodmell
Nancy Northrop
Barbara Novak
Carmel Padgett, Emerita
Barby Pulliam, Emerita
Barbara Putney
Pat Roush
Talli Ruksas, Emerita
Barbara Grant Schliebe, Emerita
Martha Smith, Emerita
Kathy Sproull
Annette Stoker, Emerita
Mary Schliebe Strassel
Margarite Thoreson-Brown, Emerita
Kathryn Toepel
Joan Kennedy Tolley, Emerita
Susan Wefald
Jane Wetzel, Emerita
Nancy Wiggins
Lynn Wilbur, Emerita
Debi Willis
Lori Winkelstein, Associate
Brenda Zemo, Emerita

Support Nuestra Cabaña

Nuestra Cabaña is scheduled to Reopen under WAGGGS management.
We are thankful to everyone involved, especially the World Board and WAGGGS staff, for their thorough and thoughtful engagement and work.

With deep gratitude and appreciation, we thank YOU for your financial support. Without you and your commitment to support Nuestra Cabaña, we would not be celebrating today. You Raised Your Voice and together we made a difference for the benefit of generations to come!

Now is the time to support Nuestra Cabaña with a donation. Please click HERE to make your donation.
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Who We Support

Girl Scouts of the USA
Girl Scouts of the USA logo
USA Girl Scouts Overseas
USA Girl Scouts Overseas logo

Nuestra Cabaña
Our Cabaña logo
Our Chalet
Our Chalet Logo
Pax Lodge
Pax Lodge Logo
Sangam Logo
Kusafiri Logo
Friends of WAGGGS USA
Friends of WAGGGS USA logo
Friends of OB-PS USA logo

Upcoming Events!

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Campaign to Support Nuestra Cabaña
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Global Experiences for Girls and Young Women